Mission Statement

By the grace of God, with Christ as our cornerstone, empowered by the Holy Spirit we:

Love and honor God by thought, word, and deed;
Provide a welcoming and embracing community, reaching out beyond differences to share the Good News of the Gospel;
Support each other to help discover our spiritual gifts, our unique relationship with God and Our purpose within the world;
Transform belief into action through meaningful worship, education, and fellowship as guided by Scripture; and
Minister to all God's creation by using our gifts and resources.

We are a witnessing presence in the Dillsburg area since 1734 (see History) – in a new location since 2003. We welcome all to worship with us and share in our vision of responding to God's call to love, learn and serve.

Committee Profiles

Congregation Life Committee is responsible for coordinating events that provide fellowship for members and outreach to the community, including the Election Day Soup Sale; Easter Sunrise Breakfast; December Candy Cookie, and Nut Sale; annual Church Picnic; and the Christmas Festival.  The committee has gift cards for Giant grocery available for purchase as a fundraising event.  The funds are used to benefit activities that take place at church.

Mission Committee interprets to the congregation the general mission of Monaghan and the Presbyterian Church.  It designates where benevolence monies go and are in charge of special offerings that are approved by Session to benefit Christian organizations.  The committee enables the mission services of Monaghan by raising awareness in the congregation of local work projects and it makes volunteer opportunities available in the service of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Nurture and Education Committee oversees all education programs at Monaghan.  It selects the Sunday School curriculum and recruits teachers. It oversees youth fellowship activities, retreats, confirmation class, and adult Bible studies.  It also organizes and supervises childcare in the Nursery during worship services.  It plans the annual Vacation Bible School.

Property Committee supervises the management and upkeep of buildings and grounds and handles repairs to the church facilities.  It oversees the use of the buildings by the church and non-church related groups.  It handles facility improvements and changes.  It is responsible for the care of historical items.

Stewardship & Finance Committee We believe good Stewardship is the responsibility of each Christian at Monaghan.  We also believe your Stewardship is between you and God; our role as a church is to remind, provide opportunity and encourage Stewardship giving in the form of Time, Talent and Financial contributions.  We encourage members to apply the “Worship plus two” approach.  For example, attend Worship plus two other activities such as:  Join the choir and participate on a Committee;  Agree to serve on a Board (like Deacons or Session) and work on the “Kitchen Crew”; Teach Sunday School and join the Bell Choir.  Choose the activity, there are many choices, where the need is matched to your interest and talent.

We conduct an annual Stewardship drive, usually in the fall, where we encourage members to contribute via Time, Talent and Financial contributions.  We generally ask members to provide an estimate of giving if they see fit.  This is very helpful in developing our annual budget.  We provide giving envelopes to our members with assigned identification numbers and annually provide individual statements.  Individual estimates and actual giving are confidential and generally only known by the Financial Secretary.  Two “Counters” count the cash each Sunday after church which is secured for recording to the member’s giving record and deposit along with checks.  We also support other activities/organizations such as Presbyterian Senior Living, Good Hope,  Relay for Life,  etc.

Our Financial records are maintained in a double-entry accounting system provided by ACS.  Financial activities are monitored by the Stewardship and Finance Committee which meets monthly.  We have an internal audit annually.  

Worship Committee coordinates with the Pastor everything regarding worship services, including communion and baptism.  It enlists ushers and liturgists.  It arranges for the engagement of guest pastors.  It oversees the organist, choir director and bell choir director positions.  It coordinates sanctuary decorating for liturgical seasons and holidays.

Membership Committee enlists volunteers to serve at the Welcome Center for greeting and welcoming visitors.  It arranges for Inquirer’s classes to be held for prospective members and contacts regular visitors who may wish to become members of Monaghan.  It arranges for the leadership of the Inquirer’s class.  It is active in the assimilation of members by organizing small group events and activities.  It processes visitor and member attendance information for the Deacons and Pastor from the Friendship pew pads.  It oversees Active and Dismissed membership status and provides that information to the Clerk of Session.

Communications and Outreach Committee organizes outreach events to connect Monaghan with un-churched members of the community.  It handles the technology, sound system, and publicity and marketing efforts for the church.

Personnel Committee oversees evaluations, working conditions, and benefits for church employees.

Opportunities to volunteer are available with all committees.


  • · New Hope Ministries
  • Share the Warmth
  • – Walk for Hope
  • – Hope Works
  • – Food Baskets
  • – Christmas Blessing Express
  • · CWS Blankets Program
  • · Souper Bowl Sunday
  • · One Great Hour of Sharing
  • · Lend A Hand
  • · Mission Central
  • · Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry, Inc.
  • · Fruitbelt Farmworkers Christian Ministry (FFCM)
  • · Project Open Hands
  • · Presbyterian Senior Living
  • · Heifer Project
  • · Habitat for Humanity


  • · Boy Scout Sunday
  • · Easter Egg Hunt
  • · Easter Sunrise Service
  • · Spring Hand Bell Choir Concert
  • · Relay For Life/Team Monaghan:
  • – Spaghetti Supper
    · Free Community Dinner: Supper Is Ready Summer Event
  • · Election Day Soup Sale
  • · Community Advent Music Festival
  • · Cookie, Candy & Nut Sale